Should I visit an osteopath if I have chronic back pain?

Aches Away Support Team

Last Update a year ago

Osteopathic medicine is effective in treating both upper, middle, and lower chronic backache. Back pains are linked to symptoms like stiffness and severe pain in different locations making up the back. The cause of back pain differs from one person to another; therefore, an osteopath will establish the root cause of the pain before starting the treatment. Furthermore, when you experience back pain, there may be a need to treat other body parts like knees, hips, or neck. As a patient, you will not be aware of such details; as a result, you need an osteopath to diagnose and identify other affected parts of the body. The most common back conditions for which patients visit osteopaths are:

Rheumatic pain: This is a type of chronic pain usually perceived in the vicinity of one or more joints, including the spine.

General aches and pains: Some of the pain in this category include low back pain, chronic back pain, knee pain, and neck pain.

Joint pain: This is pain due to an affected connection between bones.

Sciatica: Irritation as a result of the compression of the sciatic nerve in the lower back.

Posture challenges: This can result from prolonged sitting, pregnancy, or long hours of driving.

Muscular tension: This is the inability of body muscles to relax. The condition is associated with a lot of pain.

Mechanical back pain: Back pain results from excessive pressure placed on the muscles of the spinal column. Some of the causes of mechanical back pain are lifting weights, poor posture, and incorrect bending.

Sporting injuries and tensions: These are injuries from sports like football or athletics. A significant cause of these injuries is now warming up properly.

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